Been busy!!

Still around, just been very busy!
For starters I gave a make over to Shasta Kennel Clubs website!! Take a look and let me know what you think! .

The next thing I have been thinking about is to dismantle my website and just blogging it, but then I would have to blog much more often!

As for news..I have joined the PIOEC.  Check out their website...  I am kicking around some ideas for their site. Also I am going to be doing their newsletter! I have the format all made now just need content!

AND...some exciting news! I have been talking to a breeder of Peruvian Inca Orchids and she had a litter of puppies July 3rd!! I just might be getting one..not sure if it will be male/female, with or with out fur! Don't matter to me!!

Lets see what else has been going on...
My youngest daughter graduated from high school then moved to the Bay Area and is going to school there. So I kind of sort of have empty next syndrome. But it's kind of hard to have that when there are so many four legged kids around!
 Here are some random photos... 
Simba in the fan

UFO at Graduation

Vanessa, She, Dylan, Rachel, Lynette

Rachel and Lynette
Rachel (r) and me, She


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