
Showing posts from December, 2012

An eggnog and fluffy marshmallow kind of night

It was one of those roller coaster days. Is there an award for acting while at work? Acting like everything is just peachy, going well, smooth sailing, humming along, no cares, nothing bothers... The job duties went was the other mind game type baggage that was not good. sooo... The dogs got extra play time with me tonight. Sonko is getting better at playing fetch, he now races Zara for the ball and brings it back, sort of. One step at a time for him. ttfn

Settling in with Windows 7

SeaMonkey 2.14.1 downloaded... Check FileZilla downloaded.... Check Downloaded SKC's site from Directnic....Check Made updates to above site.... Check Uploaded above sites updated file.... Check Lost sound to the program streaming from Roku....NOT acceptable! I have been using Windows 7 over a month now. Have not installed Ubuntu as of today. Ubuntu is still my laptops OS.  I use SeaMonkey and a text editor when building/working on webpages.  ttfn Roku 2 XS Streaming Media Player - 3100R (Google Affiliate Ad)

Job hunting sucks

Merry Christmas! This past Monday I was informed my manager/team leader position has an expire by date of April 11, 2013 (or when old store closes down for good and new bigger store opens). I am finding myself in several states of mind, from depressed despair to bring it on, a new adventure. Also thinking of renting out my house to Bethal church. I heard they are in need of housing. Heck I would sell it to them if they pay what is owed on it. Humm I will look into seeing if I can rent my house out and I find a trailer house to rent that allows dogs. If anyone reading this has a job or a way to make some money at my age please let me know. Ttfn