Working out but not...

The past three days of work have been hard on my body! But I have noticed muscles I didn't know I had!

From the cutting samples of the home decorator fabrics one day. The next two days was to tackle 70+ pallets of fabric boxes, some stood taller than me! By the end of the 3day (yesterday) we had all but 2.5 pallets done!

What do you think I did today on my day off? Only the basic minimum. Feed dogs, dishes, laundry, put the garbage cans out for pickup tomorrow.  I did catch up on some reading and made it to the Dagot Season of X-files. Took a long nap!! Almost time for ibuprofen and a big glass of ice water! the news of the store.

I found out yesterday that the OTL is no longer there. Third person told me, that she quit. I thought something like that happened when I saw that another OTL from a store in the Sac. area is coming up (till the DM decides what to do). I have been told that maybe I will be offered my position back. I highly doubt it but if I was, I don't think I would take it. I would really have to think and pray about it. Right now I am enjoying being a Team Member. The money would be good but would it be worth my sanity and physical well being (was getting stomach pains similar to the ones I had years ago that sent me to the hospital [before divorce]). As long as I can keep my part time job along with my full time job, watch what I buy, keep A/C off as much as possible like I did last summer (set at 86).

Last week I was quietly asked if I would be the Cash office person. I said sure. I would train another TM to be my back up two days a week and when I went on vacation etc.

I talked to the TM who I was to train as my backup. She was not informed of that. We talked and agreed that we will believe it when we actually are doing the cash office.

Now for the interesting part. The person who was a back up key holder at the old store is an MOD and the TM's are being told she is an MOD (not me, that is another feeling I am dealing with). I talked to her about the offer of the cash office..she said she was told she was going to be trained to open and do the cash office.

So here I sit in front of FirstBoot not knowing what my role at the new store will be, besides a full time cashier/cutter. At least one of the new TM's is excited she is cashiering the same time I am!  Fine with me!

Now for that tall glass of ice water and ibuprofen!



  1. Very interesting stuff. I am just trying to get the old store closed. Only 4 more days. It is bittersweet for me. I am hoping I am too busy to cry :)
    We need to talk soon.

  2. I know Sam...It's bittersweet. I am excited about the store, it is beautiful and all who are putting in their sweat, blood and tears into making it that way should be proud of it.

    The blood comes from the cut fingers, tears were from the one today who had a table fall on her toes.


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