The run around
Got my phone bill...well I should say I looked at it (I have e-bill); I usually just pay for it with out looking at it due to it's about the same each month till this last bill came in. I looked at it and noted I am not with At&t for long distance...(found out that if you don't have a long distance carrier it defaults to one that is used in your area? Qwest is in Redding area?) okay...AT & T is going to take care of the 18 411 calls (that many????) but they said they can't take care of the long distance and to call Qwest.. I called Qwest..they in turn said I had to FAX them my bill!!! Other wise they can't fix my bill! I asked to speak to a supervisor...was put on hold...I was told they can't do anything to reverse the charges due to they came from my phone line, and they can't see my charges. I proceeded to tell them that I have a repair order in progress for my line. (my phone says "line in use" with inclement weather and anyone who tries to ...