
Showing posts from October, 2013

Bedroom floor!

Decided to not use the same color/pattern for the kitchen as the living room. Did my bedroom instead! The kitchen will have a tile look, the wood pattern just doesn't mesh well with the kitchen cabinets. Not to many photos of the bedroom project. I did it a little differently. Instead of emptying the whole room I moved things to one side and then around as needed. Since at first it was only me doing the work (then Vanessa came for a visit and then Lynette! They learned how to install this type of flooring!). Always good to learn something new! there is only one photo I can use! When I get my closet back together (most of it is on the floor) I will take some after photos!  Now where did those large plastic garbage bags go??? ttfn

Another update with photos..

WOW two updates in one day! Must mean...there will be a dry spell for a bit! The Kritter Kids are adjusting to life with the two who are staying with us.  Lots to write but I just don't feel like it! I have done updates with those involved. 4 bald Kritters.  Willow is giving a sleepy wink. I think I need a bigger recliner! No room for me! So here I sit on my computer chair! ttfn

Up date with photos!

It's been a long while since I updated anything!! In the TNG Kritter world, I have taken in two of my friend's dogs, Sonja passed away suddenly and I was able and willing to help. The two girls are here now waiting on final arrangements for their forever homes.